Check-in : Air France

Check in to receive your boarding card which you need to board your flight. You can also check in for your flight at the airport counters (or at the interactive kiosks available 24/7).

To proceed with your check-in: please visit the Air France website. Online check-in is available from 30 hours before your flight (from 24 hours for all flights departing from the United States)

1. Go to the Air France website

  • If you already have a personal account on the airline website, make sure you are not signed in before proceeding with online check-in.
  • Visit the Air France website
  • Click on "Enter my booking details"
  • Enter the requested information (see below)

  • Click on "Check-in"
  • You are signed in! Follow the instructions to proceed with check-in

2. The information you will have to supply to check in

  • Booking reference (found on your booking confirmation email)
  • Last name (without special character)
  • Flight number (found on your booking confirmation email)

3. Check in!

Simply follow the steps of the check-in procedure on the airline’s website.

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